is brought to you by Chromatic Vinyl Films Ltd which is one of the leaders in online retail of self adhesives films since 2012. As the world turns to a more sustainable future the demand for our architectural vinyl's have grown to allow us to develop our new range of Layed Interior Vinyl Films and build this dedicated website. 

We now have over 150 different designs and colours in our range with more being added on a regular basis. We would love to involve our customers in building a community of wrappers from trade fitters to first time DIY'ers to tell their story of what is possible along with insights and decorating ideas.  


Sustainability & Upcycling

It's 2022 and the world as we know it is changing along with our attitudes towards global warming. Due to a push for a circular economy our products offer solutions that just may help a little and it is one of the reasons why we started Layed Interior Vinyl's. If you have a perfectly working kitchen, table, desks or any solid item there is no need to take it to the dump, give it a fresh start with our easy to apply premium interior vinyl's for a fraction of the cost to your wallet and the environment.

So the next time you are about to throw out an old piece of furniture maybe have a pause and think what can be done using our vinyl's. You are only limited by your imagination.

If you are based local to us why not pop in to our Showroom for a chat and see what is possible with our huge selection of Interior Films.